31 Ways to Buffer Up Your Cross-Cultural Skills 

– Fletcher Tink

1. Engage with people different from yourself as often as possible.  Value them as gifts in your life i.e.  “Divine Encounters”.

2. Learn to ask discreet questions.   Engage them as a learner, not as an authority.

3. Ask for help in little things where they can respond positively. 

4. Show attempts to learn about their culture, engage in their celebratory events.

5. Refrain from criticizing or comparing.

6. Employ humor and be willing to be the stooge or joke at the party.   Be self-effacing. 

7. Ask about the essentials (their family, their work, their foods, etc.).

8. Play with the children—they are wonderful for language learning and general relaxation. 

9. Find a good honest informant who has inside understanding of the culture.  

10. Avoid political discussions or contentious issues.

11. Participate in singing groups, use song, art and visuals in your communication.

12. Understand your Pauline “rights”  (I Cor 9) and when to suspend them.   Remember your greatest “right”, that is the conscientious choice to suspend temporarily a “right” when it impedes the Gospel message.

13.  Negotiate practical boundaries for personal time and space.

14.  Work with an accountability group to whom you can be totally transparent and honest.  

15.  Take “time out” away from the “work” setting.   Get out of town.  

16. Remind yourself of your “Calling”.   Not just to mission but to God Himself.  

17. Learn to tolerate the uncomfortable things (food, bed, social settings) if they are significant symbols to your hosts.

18. Maintain high personal ethical standards (you are being scrutinized as the embodiment of Christ)

19. Avoid excesses of technology, gadgets, possessions.   Learn to live simply.  Don’t burden yourself with these.  

20. Maintain a daily journal where you pour out your honest feelings. 

21. Confess your needs to your peers.

22. Don’t act defensively.   Let God be your defender.

23. Learn to say, “I’m sorry”,  “Thank you”,  “Please help me”, “Forgive me”,  “Remind me”. 

24. Learn people’s names and their connections with each other. 

25. Eat adequately, sleep well, exercise frequently, fast periodically, love well, take your meds.

26.  Don’t worry needlessly.  Remember that God is in control and you are surrounded by a host of witnesses.  90% of our worries are wasted energy.  

27. Think creatively, hone your creative talents in your hobbies, crafts, etc. Engage friends in these.  

28. “Go on a journey, admit the stranger”   See life as adventure, as drama

29. Keep in positive touch with your home base.

30. Give quality time to your children and spouse.  They are your primary congregation.

31. Remember that it is in the witnessing that You may discover who God is.   (Is 43:10)